Hunting deer, specifically in areas with low deer populations, is a challenge. You need to give yourself the best chances possible to harvest a mature buck on your South Carolina hunting land.
You need to make sure your deer stand is in an optimal place and position. If you’re overlooking 4 or 5 buck trails running between a bedding area and a feeding area, you have much better chances of spotting a mature buck than if you’re only overlooking one trail.
The key to harvesting a great buck is hunting multiple trails and heavy intersections. However, it is extremely important to keep in mind that you’re going to need a clear shot. There’s no use in sitting in a spot where you have 5 trails intercepting if there’s twigs or brush in the way of your shot. If you can’t find a lane to shoot through, it’s not worth it.
Preparing your stand site ahead of time is of utmost importance. When hunting season comes to an end this year, remember your frustrations you experienced throughout the season. Through the winter, spring, and next summer you can invest time out on your South Carolina hunting land setting up ideal situations and creating great funnels and trail interceptions. Come hunting season next fall, you will be glad you did!